Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Buchveröffentlichungen (Auswahl)

/1/ M.Luckner: Prüfung von Drogen. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1966

/2/ M.Luckner: Secondary Metabolism in Microorganisms, Plants and Animals. 1.Aufl. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1969, jap. 1970, Chapman & Hall, London 1972, russ. 1979; 2.Aufl. Jena 1984, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1984

/3/ L.Nover, M.Luckner, B.Parthier: Cell Differentiation. 1.Aufl. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1978, 2.Aufl. 1982

/4/ H. Bekemeier (1967); Quantitavie Untersuchungen zur Bildung von Vitamin D durch UV-Strahlung bei der Ratte, Hans Huber, Bonn

/5/ H. Bekemeier, G. Pfennigsdorf (1974): Die antirachitischen Vitamine D. In: Fermente- Vitamine - Hormone (Hrsg.: R.Ammon, W.Dirschel), Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart

/6/ H.Bekemeier, R.Hirschelmann (1982): Trends in Inflammation Research 2. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Immunology. Birkhäuser, Basel

/7/ P. Nuhn: Chemie der Naturstoffe. Bioorganische Chemie. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1. Auflage 1982, 660 S.

Naturstoffchemie. Mikrobielle, pflanzliche und tierische Naturstoffe. 2., überarbeitete Auflage. S. Hirzel, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart 1990, 3. Auflage 1997

/8/ R.Hirschelmann: Entzündung und verwandte Reaktionen: Neue Erkenntnisse, neue Wirkstoffe. Fischer-Verlag, Jena

/9/ K.Mothes, H.R.Schütte, M.Luckner: Biochemistry of Alkaloids. Deutscher Verlag d.Wiss., Berlin 1985

/10/ P.Nuhn, H.-J.Hofmann: Molekulare Wirkungsmechanismen von Pharmaka. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1985

/11/ D.Ausborn, H.Kala: Handbuch der Antiseptik (Hrsg.: W.Weuffen, A.Kramer, D.Gröschel, E.Bulka), Bd. II/I Nitrofurane. Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin 1979

Berufs- und Wissenschaftspolitische Publikationen

/1/ O.Beßler, L.Reppel: Progressive Tendenzen aus der halleschen Hochschulpharmazie. Wiss.Z.Univ.Halle G XVI, 75 (1967)

/2/ P. Nuhn, H.-J. Hahn: Das Bildungssystem der Apotheker in der DDR - Diskussionsgrundlage für dessen weitere Gestaltung, Pharmazie 45, 161-163 (1990)

/3/ P. Nuhn: Mehr Flexibilität im Pharmaziestudium. Diskussion der Approbationsordnung. DAZ, 2396

/4/ P.Nuhn, M.Wiese: Medizinische Chemie/Pharmazeutische Chemie - eine Alternative? Pharmaz.Ztg. 140, 1830-1831 (1995)

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Institut für Pharmazeutische Chemie

Auswahl von Publikationen vor 1995

/1/ E. Hannig, B. Schobeß (1960): Über einige 4-Alkoxyphenylalkylketone und ihre Aminomethylierung, Pharmazie 15, 615

/2/ G. Peinhardt, L. Reppel (1973): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Cumarine: 9. Mitteilung: N-4-Hydroxycumarinyl-3-thioharnstoffe und N'-substitutierte 3-Amino-4-hydroxy-1-thiocumarine, Pharmazie 28, 729-733

/3/ K.-G. Pfeffer, P. Brandt, A. Büge, H.-J. Hahn,G. Heger, L. Reppel (1977): Untersuchungen zur Alkylierung von 2-Aryl-5-acetyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo-[4.3-c]pyridin-3-onen, Pharmazie 32, 676-679

/4/ W. Schliemann, A. Büge, L. Reppel (1980): Untersuchungen zur Synthese einiger 4-(p-Fluorphenyl)-4-(2-pyridyl)butylamine, Pharmazie 35, 69-72

/5/ R. Böhm, G. Zeiger (1980): Thiophene in der pharmazeutischen Forschung, Pharmazie 48, 1-9

/6/ S. Kluge, P. Nuhn, H.-P. Kertscher, B. Dobner (1984): Effect of lysolecithin analogues on plant viruses, Acta virologica 28, 128-133

/7/ G. Peinhardt, I. Hergert, A.J. Gießler (1984): Radioimmunoassay für Butaperazin und andere Phenothiazin-Neuroleptika von Perazin-Typ, Pharmazie 39, 37-38

/8/W. Oelssner jr., G. Peinhardt, A. Büge (1985): Untersuchungen zur Affinität kernfluorierter Derivate von Phenothiazin-Neuroleptica zur 3H-Spiroperidol-Bindungsstelle des Dopaminrezeptors mittels Radioligandtechnik in vitro, Pharmazie 40, 341-342

/9/ P. Nuhn, G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner, G. Förster, M. Gutheil, H.-D. Dörfler (1986): Synthesis, Calorimetry and X-ray Diffraction of Lecithins Containing Branched Fatty Acyl Chains, Chem. Phys. Lipids 39, 221-236

/10/ S. Kluge, K. Gawrisch, P. Nuhn (1987): Loss of infectivty of red clover mottle virus by lysolecithin, Acta Virol. (Engl. Ed.) 31, 185

/11/ M. Tost, D. Sandow, P. Nuhn, P. Noack, O. Noack, K. Deutschmann (1988): Zur Wirkung von Lysolecithinanaloga auf die tierexperimentelle Herpesinfektion der Hornhaut, Folia Ophthalmol. 13, 1-7

/12/ P. Schenk, M. Ausborn, F. Bendas, P. Nuhn, D. Arndt, H. Meyer (1989): The preparation and characterization of lipid vesicles containing esters of sucrose and fatty acids, J. Microencapsulation 6, 95

/13/ M Tost, D. Sandow, E. Berthold, P. Nuhn (1990): Lysolecithinanaloga verstärken die Wirkung von Virostatika, Folia Ophthalmologica 15, 199-205

/14/ M. Ausborn, P. Nuhn, H. Schreier (1992): Stabilization of liposomes by freeze-thaw- and lyophilization techniques: problems and opportunities, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 38, 133-39

/15/ T. Köhler, M. Heinisch, M. Kirchner, G. Peinhardt, R. Hirschelmann, P. Nuhn (1992): Phospholipase A2 inhibition by alkylbenzoylacrylic acid, Biochem. Pharmacol. 44, 805-813

/16/ U. Wrzeciono, K. Majewska, A. Büge, T. Köhler, O. Rickinger, P. Nuhn (1992): Azole, 35. Mitt.: 5-Fluorindazole, Pharmazie 47, 22-24

/17/ R. Pech, R. Böhm (1993): Über Thieno-Verbindungen, 16. Mitt., Pharmazie 48, 347

/18/ P. Nuhn, A. Büge, H. Harenberg, H. Lettau, M. Moschner, M. Rauchmaul, R. Schneider (1993): Synthese von Lipoxygenaseinhibitoren. 1.Mitt.: Synthese von offenkettigen Amidrazonen, Pharmazie 48, 340-342

/19/ M. Ausborn, H. Schreier, G. Brezesinski, H. Fabian, H.W. Meyer, P. Nuhn (1994): The protective effect of free and membrane-bound cryoprotectants during freezing and freeze-drying of liposomes, Journal of Controlled Release 30, 105-116.

/20/ J. K. Seydel, E. A. Coats, H. P. Cordes, M. Wiese (1994): Drug membrane interaction and the importance for transport, distribution, accumulation, efficacy and resistance, Arch.Pharmaz. 327, 601-610

/21/ U. Kuckländer, A. Hilgeroth (1994): Versuche zur Darstellung N-substituierter Dihydropyridine nach Hantzsch. Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) 327, 287-294

Publikationen von 1995

/1/ B. Rattay, G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner, G. Förster, P. Nuhn (1995): Influence of -branched fatty acid chains on thermotropic behaviour of racemic 1-O-hexadecyl-2-acyl-glycero-3-phosphocholines, Chem.Phys.Lipids 75, 81-91

/2/ A. Dietrich, G. Brezesinski, H. Möhwald, B. Dobner, P. Nuhn (1995); Domain Shapes and Monolayer Structures of Triple-Chain Phospholipids on Water, Il Nuovo Cimento 16 D, 1537-1544

/3/ M. Radman, H. Hartung, F. Hoffmann, D. Ströhl, P. Nuhn (1995): Synthese von 2-(4-Alkylbenzoyl)-6-oxa-bicyclo/3.21/octan-7-onen, Pharmazie 50, 432-433

/4/ P. Frohberg, C. Kupfer, P. Stenger, R. Baumeister, P. Nuhn (1995): Lipoxygenase-Inhibitoren, 4. Mitt.: Synthese und Cyclisierungsreaktionen offenkettiger N1-arylsubstituierter Amidrazone, Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) 328, 505-516

/5/ F. Wilhelm, S. K. Chatterjee, B. Rattay, P. Nuhn, R. Benecke, J. Ortwein (1995): Synthesis of Glycolipids as Membrane-Bound Stabilizing Carbohydrates, Liebigs Ann. 1995, 1673-1679

/6/ G. Brezesinski, A. Dietrich, B. Dobner, H. Möhwald (1995): Morphology and structures in double-triple- and quadruple-chain phospholipid monolayers at the air/water interface, Progr.Colloid Polym.Sci. 98, 255-262

/7/ G. Förster, G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner (1995): Lecithins with short and long branched fatty acids X-ray diffraction and miscibility of different gel phases. Editions Frontiers, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France 1995, 183-188

/8/ P. Pallas, H. Richter (1995): Di(acyloxy)dialkyl- und Di(acyloxy)diarylsilane - neuartige Vesikelbildner. Teil 7: Differential-scanning-calorimetrische Untersuchungen, Pharmazie 50, 645-636

/9/ Z. B. Salama, H. Richter, H.-W. Meyer, U. Kunath, M. Strube, P. Nuhn, H. Nindel (1995): langkettige Di(acyloxy)dialkylsilane, Di(acyloxy)diarylsilane, Di(acyloxy)dialkoxysilane und Tetra(acyloxy)silane, Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung, ihre Verwendung zur Herstellung von Vesikeln, aus ihnen hergestellte Vesikel (Siosomen) und deren Verwendung als Träger von Wirkstoffen, Europäisches Patent Nr. 0483465

/10/ W. Pohle, R.N.A.H. Lewis, R. N. Mcelhaney, P. Nuhn, B. Dobner, C. Selle (1995): Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Conformation of Glycerophospholipids. In: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (Hrsg.: J.C.Merlin, J.P.Huvenne), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1995, S.375-376

/11/ H.-D. Dörfler, Ch. Koth, W. Rettig (1995): Complete and Partial Miscibility in Binary Monolayers of Phosphatidylethanolamines with Different Lengths of Acyl. Langmuir, Vol. 11, No. 12

/12/ B. Struth, E. Salas, G. Brezesinski, H. Möhwald, F. Bringezu, W. Bouwman, K. Kjaer (1995): Influence of a hydrophilic spacer on the structure of a phospholipid monolayer, Il Nuovo Cimente 16D, 1545-1550

/13/ M. Wiese (1995): "QSAR-Analysis of Dose- and Time-dependent in vivo Drug Effects using Neural Networks - A Simulation Study", J.R. Prous: Barcelona, 70-72

/14/ J.K. Seydel, K.-H. Czaplinski, M. Wiese, M. Kansy, W. Hänsel (1995): "QSAR-, CoMFA- and PC-Analysis of the Inhibitory Activity of New Benzylpyrimidines against DHFR Derived from Various Species", J.R. Prous: Barcelona, 91-93

/15/ I. Pajeva, J.K. Seydel, M. Wiese (1995): "Drug-Membrane Interactions: Relation to Multidrug Resistance Reversing Activity in Tumor Cells", J.R. Prous: Barcelona, 131-133

/16/ K.-H. Czaplinski, W. Hänsel, M. Wiese, J.K. Seydel (1995): New Benzylpyrimidines: Inhibition of DHFR from Various Species. QSAR-, CoMFA- and PC-Analysis, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 30, 779-787

Publikationen von 1996

/1/ H.-D. Dörfler, Ch. Koth, W. Rettig (1996): Miscibility Behavior of Binary Monolayers in Dependence on the Chain Length Differences and Film States of the Phosphatidylcholine/Phosphatidylethanolamine Mixtures, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 189, 478-487

/2/ R. Büschges, H. Linde, E. Mutschler, H. Spahn-Langguth (1996): Chloroformates and isothiocyanates derived from 2-arylpropionic acids as chiral reagents: synthetic routes and chromatographic behaviour of the derivatives, Journal of Chromatography A, 725, 323-334

/3/ A. Hanses, H. Spahn-Langguth, F. Meiss, E. Mutschler (1996): Pharmacokinetics and Drug Input Characteristics for a Diclofenac-Codeine Phosphate Combination Following Oral and Rectal Adminstration, Arzneim.-Forsch./Drug Res. 46 (I), 1, 57-63

/4/ St. Huth, R. Neubert, L. Boltze, A. Büge (1996): Experimental Determination and Mathematical Modelling of Propylene Glycol Transport from Semisolid Vehicles, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 44 (6) 1263-1266

/5/ P. Nuhn, G. Förster (1996): Hallenser Membranforscher im Sonderforschungsbereich 197, Scientia halensis 1/1996

/6/ P. Nuhn, M. Wiese (1996): Medizinische Chemie, Scientia halensis 3/1996

/7/ R. Stritzel, B. Dobner, F. Bringezu, P. Nuhn (1996): Separation of racemic 2-alkyl-branched fatty acid methyl esters by gas chromatography on a commercial availabe chiral phase, J.High Resolution Chromatography, 19, 121-123

/8/ F. Bringezu, B. Dobner, B. Elsner, R. Stritzel, P. Nuhn (1996): Preparative Separation of the Diastereomers of Methyl-Branched Chain Phosphatidylcholines, J.Chromatography, 724, 367-372

/9/ G. Förster, O. de la Cruz, G. Bendas, P. Nuhn (1996): The Influence of Single Chain Anchored Galactose on the Polymorphism of Resuspended Lyophylized Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Liposomes, Progr.Colloid & Polymer Sci. 98, 201-205

/10/ G. Bendas, F. Wilhelm, W. Richter, P. Nuhn (1996): Synthetic glycolipids as membrane-bound cryoprotectants in the freeze drying process of liposomes, Eur.J.Pharm.Sci. 4, 211-222

/11/ F. Bringezu, G. Brezesinski, P. Nuhn, H. Möhwald (1996): Chiral discrimination in a monolayer of a triple-chain phosphatidylcholine, Biophys.J. 70, 1789-1795

/12/ G. Peinhardt (1996): Zur Kupfer-Pyridin-Komplexbildung des Indometacins und anderer Indolylessigsäuren, Pharmazie 51, 9, 673-674

/13/ I.K. Pajeva, M. Wiese, H.-P. Cordes, J.K. Seydel (1996): Membrane Interactions of some Catamphiphilic Drugs and Relation to their Multidrug Restistance Reversing Ability, J. Cancer Res. Clin. Onc. 122, 27-40

/14/ J.D. Seydel, E.A. Coats, I.K. Pajeva, M. Wiese (1996): Drug.membrane interaction and accumulation, conformation, efficacy and resistance, BIOS Scientific Publishers: Oxford, 137-145

/15/ M. Wiese, D. Schmalz, J.K. Seydel (1996): New Antifolate 4,4'-Diaminodiphenyl Sulfone Substituted 2,4-Diamino-5-benzylpyrimidines. Proof for their dual mode of action and autosynergism. Arch. Pharm. Pharm, Med. Chem. 329, 161-168

/16/ R. Büschges, R. Devant, E. Mutschler, H. Spahn-Langguth (1996): 4-(6-Methoxy-2-naphthyl)-2-butyl chloroformate enantiomeres (NAB-C): New reagents for the enantiospecific analysis of amino compounds in biogenic matrices, J.Pharmac. Biochem. Analysis 15, 201-220

/17/ U.F. Heiser, B. Dobner (1996): Novel bipolar phospholipids with different headgroups, Chem. Commun., 2025-2026

/18/ H.W. Meyer, B. Dobner, K. Semmler (1996): Macroripple-structures induced by different branched-chain phosphatidylcholines in bilayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, Chem. Phys.Lipids 82, 179-189

/19/ M. Dahms, H. Spahn-Langguth (1996): Covalent binding of acidic drugs via reactive intermediates: detection of benoxaprofen and flunoxaprofen protein adducts in biological material, Pharmazie 51, 874-881

/20/ P. Nuhn (1996): Analytik und Biophysik von verzweigtkettigen Fettsäuren in Lipiden, Fett/Lipid 98, 335-338

/21/ I.-M. Schneider, B. Dobner, R. Neubert, W. Wohlrab (1996): Evaluation of drug penetration into human skin ex vivo using branched fatty acids and propylene glycol. Int.J.Pharmac. 145, 187-196

/22/ M. Wegener, R. Neubert, W. Rettig, S. Wartewig (1996): Structure and Function of Stratum corneum Lipids characterized by Fourier Transformed Raman Spectroscopy and DSC, Int. J. Pharm. 128, 203-213

/23/ P. Nuhn (1996): Ideologie in den Naturwissenschaften. Auf dem Weg zur Erkenntnis. DAZ 136, 3666-3667

/24/ P. Frohberg, P. Nuhn (1996): New syntheses of benzotriazepines by non-convenient cyclization reaction of N1,N3-Diarylamidrazones. Heterocycles, 43, 2549-2552

/25/ G. Bendas, K. Schubert, P. Nuhn (1996): Merocyanine (MC 540) as a tool to investigate cryprotective activity of free and membrane-bound carbohydrates in freez-drying process of liposomes. J. Liposome Res. 6, 223-224

/26/ G. Shlieout, M. Wiese, G. Zessin (1996): Zur Untersuchung der Tablettierbarkeit und mechanischer Eigenschaften der Ethylcellulose mit Hilfe der Fraser-Suzuki-Funktion und der thermomechanischen Analyse. Scientia Pharmaceutica 63, 353

Publikationen von 1997

/1/ U. F. Heiser, B. Dobner (1997): Copper-catalysed coupling of undec-10-enylmagnesium bromide with -functionalised halogenoalkanes as a key reaction for the synthesis of novel bipolar phospholipids with different head groups and chain length. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 809-815

/2/ H. Spahn-Langguth, L. Z. Benet, P. Zia-Amirhosseini, S. Iwakawa, P. Langguth (1997): Kinetics of reactive phase II Metabolites: Stereochemical aspects of formation of epimeric acyl glucuronides and their reactivity, Chemical Analysis Series, Vol. 142, 125-170

/3/ R. Büschges, E. Martin, H. Y. Aboul-Enein, P. Langguth, H. Spahn-Langguth (1997): Chiral derivatization reagents in the bioanalysis of optically active drugs with chromophore-based detection, Chemical Analyses Series, Vol. 142, 437-492

/4/ H. Spahn-Langguth, L. Z. Benet, W. Möhrke, P. Langguth (1997): First-pass phenomena: Sources of stereoselectivities and variabilities of concentration-time profiles after orals dosage, Chemical Analysis Series, Vol. 142, 573-609

/5/ P. Langguth, G. L. Amidon, E. Lipka, H. Spahn-Langguth (1997): Gastrointestinal transport processes: Potentials for stereoselectivities at substrate-specific and nonspecific epithelial transport systems, Chemical Analysis Series, Vol. 146, 611-632

/6/ P. Frohberg, M. Wiese, P. Nuhn (1997): Synthesis of New Tetrahydropyrazine and Other Heterocyclic Compounds by Reaction of Hydrazonoyl Chlorides. Arch.Pharm.Pharm.Med.Chem. 330, 47-52

/7/ P. Nuhn (1997): Moderne Naturwissenschaften. Betrügereien und Irrtümer. DAZ 137, 518-520

/8/ E. Wartewig, R. Neubert, W. Rettig, M. Wegener (1997): Ceramides/Cholesterol-Mixtures as Characterized by FT Raman-Spectroscopy, Mikrochim. Acta 14, 263-264

/9/ I. K. Pajeva, M. Wiese (1997): QSAR and molecular modeling study of multidrug resistance modifiers. Quant.Struct.-Act.Relat. 16, 1-10

/10/ C. Tränkle, K. Elis, M. Wiese, K. Mohr (1997): Molecular rigidity and potency of bispyridinium type allosteric modulators at muscarinic M2-receptors. Life Sci. 60, 1995-2003

/11/ P. Nuhn (1997): Enzyminhibitoren als Arzneistoffe. Teil 1. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 26, 127-142

/12/ A. Abate, J. Giessler, C. Giessler, K. Pönicke, R. Hirschelmann, P. Nuhn (1997): Inhibition of mediator release from anaphylactic guinea pig hearts by the novel phospholipase A2 inhibitor 3-(4-octadecylbenzoyl) acrylic acid. Inflamm. Res. 46, Supplement 2, 137-138

/13/ K. Görlitzer, P.-M.Dobberkau, H.-J. Ewert, Ch. Heinrici, U. Bartke, D. Buss, C. Kupfer, P. Nuhn (1997): Cyclische Hydroxamsäuren vom Phenanthridin-Typ - Synthese und Prüfung auf lipoxygenasehemmende Wirkung. Pharmazie 52, 575-578

/14/ P. Nuhn: Enzyminhibitoren als Arzneistoffe. Teil 2. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit, im Druck

/15/ R. Neubert, W. Rettig, S. Wartewig, M. Wegener, A. Wienhold: Structure of Stratum corneum Lipids Characterized by FT-Raman Spectroscopy and DSC: II. Mixtures of Ceramides and Saturated Fatty Acids, Chem. Phys. Lipids, im Druck

/16/ Wegener, M., Neubert, R., Rettig, W., Wartewig, S.: Structure of Stratum corneum Lipids Characterized by FT-Raman Spectroscopy and DSC: III. Mixtures of Ceramides and Cholesterol, Chem. Phys. Lipids, im Druck

/17/ G. Brezesinski, B. Dobner, B. Elsner, H. Möhwald: Monolayer Behaviour of Mixtures of Branched Chain Phospholipids. Pharmazie, im Druck

/18/ U. F. Heiser, R. Wolf, B. Dobner: Simple and Efficient Synthesis of (±)10,10'-Dimethyl-dotriacontan-1,1'-diol and (±)10,10'-Dimethyl-dotriacontandioic acid as Building Blocks for Archaebacterial Lipid Models. Pharmazie, im Druck

/19/ H.W. Meyer, W. Rettig: Cholesterol and lanosterol can induce convex-concave curvatures in gel-state phospholipid bilayers. Pharmazie, im Druck

/20/ A. Mühl, H. Richter: Di(acyloxy)dialkyl- und Di(acyloxy)diarylsilane - neuartige Vesikelbildner. Teil 81: Beiträge zur Kryostabilisierung von Vesikeln aus Di(octadecanoyloxy)dimethylsilan und Di(tetradecanoyloxy)diethylsilan. Pharmazie, im Druck

/21/ B. Rattay, W. Rettig: Kopfgruppenmodifizierte 1,2-Di-O-hexadecylglycero-3-phosphocholine. Pharmazie, im Druck

/22/ R. Rietz, W. Rettig, G. Brezesinski, H. Möhwald: Stereochemical aspects in the monolayer behaviour of N-docosyl-leucin at the air/water interface. Pharmazie, im Druck

/23/ M. Wiese, I. K. Pajeva: Molecular modeling study of the multidrug resistance modifiers cis- and trans-flupentixol. Pharmazie, im Druck

/24/ U. Holzgrabe, H. Mallwitz, S. K. Branch, T. M. Jefferies, M. Wiese: Chiral discrimination of ephedrine and methylephedrine induced by ß-cyclodextrin, heptakis(2,3-di-O-acetyl)ß-cyclodextrin and heptakis(6-O-acetyl)ß-cyclodextrin. Chirality, im Druck

/25/ C. Ehlert, H. Strunz, K. Visser, M. Wiese, J. K. Seydel: Inhibition of the Conjugation of PABA with Glycin in vitro by Sulfamoyl Benzoic Acids, Sulfonamides and Penicillins and its possible Relation to Tubular Secretion: A QSAR Study. J. Pharm. Sci., im Druck

/26/ Y. Mrestani, R. Neubert, A. Munk, M. Wiese: Determination of dissociation constants of cephalosporins by capillary zone electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A, im Druck

/27/ G. Bendas, K. Schubert, P. Nuhn: Use of Merocyanine 540 for the fluorimetric detection of liposome membrane properties before and after lyophilization and rehydration. Pharmazie, im Druck

/28/ G. Bendas, J. Vogel, U. Bakowski, A. Krause, J. Müller, U. Rothe: A liposome-based model system for the simulation of lectin-induced cell adhesion. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, im Druck

/29/ P. Frohberg, U. Baumeister, D. Ströhl, H. Danz: Study of tautomeric behaviour of new 2-arylhydrazono-1,4-benzothiazines. Heterocycles 45, im Druck

/30/H. Schaffer, U. Bakowsky, T. Martini, W. Rettig, H. Kresse: Preparation and characterization of Langmuir- and Langmuir-Blodgett-fMonolayers of mixed skin lipids. SOIE (1997), im Druck

/31/ U.F. Heiser, R. Wolf, B. Dobner:Simple and high yield synthesis of (±)10,10'-Dimethyl-dotriacontan-1,1'-diol as a building block for branched bola compounds. Preparation of (±)10,10'-Dimethyl-dotriaconta-1,1'-diyl-bis[2-(trimethylammonio)ethyl phosphate] and the corresponding unbranched equivalent. Chem. Phys. Lipids, angenommen

/32/ A. Hilgeroth: HIV-1-Protease-Inhibitoren im Überblick. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit, im Druck

/33/ A. Hilgeroth, U. Baumeister, F. W. Heinemann: Topochemie dimerisierender 1,4-Dihydropyridine als Vorstufen potentieller HIV-1-Protease-Inhibitoren. Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim), im Druck

/34/ R. Zöllner, A. Hilgeroth: Molecular-Modeling-Studien zu dimeren 1,4-Dihydropyridinen als HIV-1-Protease-Inhibitoren: Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim), im Druck

Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie

Publikationen vor 1995

/1/ Diettrich, B., Neumann, D., Luckner, M. (1980): Protoplast-derived clones from cell cultures of Digitalis purpurea. Planta medica 38, 375-382

/2/ Garve, R., Luckner, M., Vogel, E., Tewes, A., Nover, L. (1980): Growth, morphogenesis and cardenolide formation in long-term cultures of Digitalis lanata. Planta medica 40, 92-103

/3/ Diettrich, B., Luckner, M. (1981): Die Tieftemperaturkonservierung pflanzlicher und tierischer Zellen. Biol. Rundschau 19, 269-284

/4/ Luckner, M., Diettrich, B., Kuberski, C., Schwiebode, C. (1981): Variation in the cardenolide content of embryogenic clumps from suspension cultures of Digitalis lanata. Planta medica 42, 104

/5/ Luckner, M., Kuberski, C., Scheibner, H., Schwiebode, C., Diettrich, B. (1982): Principles regulating cardenolide formation in cell cultures of Digitalis lanata. Planta med. 45, 134

/6/ Butenko, R. G., Popov, A. S., A.Volkova, L., Diettrich, B., Luckner, M. (1983): Plant cell viability at different programs of deep freezing (Russ.). Citologija 25, 1191-1196

/7/ Kuberski, C., Scheibner, H., Steub, C., Diettrich, B., Luckner, M. (1984): Embryogenesis and cardenolide formation in tissue cultures of Digitalis lanata. Phytochem. 23, 1407-1412

/8/ Luckner, M., Diettrich, B. (1985): Formation of cardenolides in cell and organ cultures of Digitalis lanata In: K. H. Neumann, W. Barz, E. Reinhard (ed.). Primary and Secondary Metabolism of Plant Cell Cultures. Springer, Berlin, pp. 154-163

/ 9/ Diettrich, B., Steup, C., Neumann, D., Scheibner, H., Reinbothe, C., Luckner, M. (1986): Morphogenetic capacity of cell strains derived from filament, leaf and root explants of Digitalis lanata. J. Plant Physiol. 124, 441-453

/10/ Diettrich, B., Aster, U., Greidziak, N., Roos, W., Luckner, M. (1987): Glucosylation of digitoxin and other cardenolides in cell cultures of Digitalis lanata. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen 182, 245-255

/11/ Luckner, M., Diettrich, B. (1987): Plant tissue and cell culture In: Green, C. E., Somers, D. A., Hackett, W. P., Bisboer, D. D. (eds.). Biosynthesis of cardenolides in cell cultures of Digitalis lanata-the result of a new strategy Allan R. Liss Inc., New York, pp. 187-197

/12/ Beale, J. M., Floss, H. G., Lehmann, T., Luckner, M. (1988): Digitoxigenin-3ß-0-[ß-D-fucopyranosyl-4´-ß-D-glucopyranoside]), the main cardenolide of somatic embryos of Digitalis lanata. Phytochemistry 27, 3143-3146

/13/ Luckner, M., Diettrich, B. (1988): Cardenolides.In: Cell culture and somatic cell genetics of plants In: Constabel, F., Vasil, I. K. (eds.). Phytochemicals in plant cell cultures. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 193-212

/14/ Luckner, M., Diettrich, B. (1989): The integration of cardenolide biosynthesis in the differentiation program "somatic embryogenesis" of Digitalis lanata In: Kurz, W.G.W. (ed.). Primary and Secondary Metabolism of Plant Cell Cultures II. Springer, Berlin, pp. 117-124

/15/ Scheibner, H., Björk, L., Schulz, U., Neumann, D., Diettrich, B., Luckner, M. (1989): The influence of inhibitors of chloroplast differentiation on chlorophyll and cardenolide accumulation in somatic embryos of Digitalis lanata. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen 184, 63-67

/16/ Fürst, B., Melzer, I., Luckner, M. (1990): Charakterisierung endogener Liganden des Herzglykosidrezeptors im Hämofiltrat nierenkranker Patienten. Arch. Pharm. 323, 761

/17/ Luckner, M., Diettrich, B. (1990): Principles regulating formation and activity of secondary metabolic enzymes in plant tissue and cell cultures In: Nijkamp, H. J. J., van der Plas, L. H. W., van Aartrijk, J. (eds.). Progress in Plant Cellular and Molekular Biology. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, pp. 744-753

/18/ Roos, W.  (1990): Benzodiazepine Alkaloids In: The Alkaloids (A. Brossi, ed.), Academic Press, Vol. 39, 63-97

/19/ Diettrich, B., Schneider, V., Luckner, M. (1991): High variation in cardenolide content of plants regenerated from protoplasts of the embryogenic cell strain VII of Digitalis lanata. J. Plant Physiol. 139, 199-204

/20/ Luckner, M., Diettrich, B. (1992): Micropropagation of wooly foxglove (Digitalis lanata) by shoot tip culture. In: Bajaj, Y. P. S. (ed.). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol 19: High Tech and Micropropagation III. Springer, Berlin, pp. 400-424

/21/  W. Roos (1989): Kinetic properties, nutrient-dependent regulation and energy coupling of amino acid transport systems in Penicillium cyclopium
Biochim. Biophys. Acta  978,  119-133.

/22/  W. Roos, H.- P. Schmauder (1989): Positive feedback effect of benzodiazepine alkaloids on  enzymes of the aromatic pathway
FEMS Letters 59, 27- 30

/23/ W. Roos (1992): Confocal pH topography in plant cells - acidic layers in the peripheral cytoplasm and the apoplast.
Botanica Acta 105, 252 - 259

Publikationen von 1995

/1/ Dräger, B. (1995): Identification and quantification of calystegines, polyhydroxyl nortropane alkaloids, Phytochemical analysis 6, 31-37

/2/ Dräger, B., van Almsick, A., Mrachatz, G. (1995): Distribution of calystegines in several Solanaceae, Planta Med. 61, 577- 579 (1995)

/3/ Klauck, D., Luckner, M. (1995): In vitro-Messung digitalisähnlicher Verbindungen durch Hemmung des Enzyms Na+/K+-ATPase: Bestimmung von Störeinflüssen, Pharmazie 50, 395-399

/4/ Lehmann, U., Moldenhauer, D., Thomar, S., Diettrich, B., Luckner, M. (1995): Regeneration of plants from Digitalis lanata cells transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying bacterial genes encoding neomycin phosphotransferase II and ß-glucuronidase, J. Plant Physiol.147, 53-57

/5/ J. Reuter and W. Roos (1995): A glucose - activated electron transfer system activates the plasma  membrane ATPase in Penicillium cyclopium
J. Bacteriology 176, 5429 - 5438.

Publikationen von 1996

/1/ Frandsen, G., Müller-Uri, F., Nielsen, M., Mundy, J., Skriver, K. (1996): Novel Plant Ca2+-binding protein expressed in response to abscisic acid and osmotic stress, J. Biol. Chem. 271, 343-348

Publikationen von 1997

/1/ Rhenius, M., Porzel, A., Diettrich, B., Luckner, M. (1997): 21´-Di-Dehydro-Deacetyllanatoside C, a biotransformation product of Deacetyllanatoside C from senescent shoot cultures of Digitalis lanata, Phytochemistry 44, 1061-1064

/2/ Diettrich, B., Ernst, S., Luckner, M.: Haploid plants regenerated from androgenic cell cultures of Digitalis lanata. J. Plant. Physiol. (im Druck)

/3/ Kandzia, R., Grimm, R., Eckerskorn, C., Lindemann, P., Luckner, M.: Purification and characterization of lanatoside 15´-O-acetylesterase from Digitalis lanata. Planta (im Druck)

/4/ Küllertz, G., Liebau, A., Scholze, C., Peterson, A., Diettrich, B., Rücknagel, P., Schierhorn, A., Fischer, G., Luckner, M.: Stress-induced expression of cyclophilins in proembryonic masses of Digitalis lanata. J. Biol. Chem. (im Druck)

/5/ Lindemann, P., Luckner, M.: Biosynthesis of pregnane derivatives in somatic embryos of Digitalis lanata. Phytochemistry (im Druck)

/6/ Schöniger, R., Lindemann, P., Grimm, R., Eckerskorn, C., Luckner, M.: Purification of the cardenolide 16´-O-glucohydrolase from Digitalis lanata Ehrh. Planta (im Druck)

/7/ Thomar, S., Dumke-Lehmann, U., Diettrich, B., Luckner, M.: Regulated expression of the ß-glucuronidase gene of Escherichia coli under control of the plastocyanin 3 gene promoter from Spinacea oleracea in somatic embryos of Digitalis lanata. Planta (im Druck)

/8/ W. Roos, R Schulze and  J.Steighardt  (1997): Dynamic compartmentation of  vacuolar amino acids in Penicillium cyclopium: cytosolic adenylates act as a signal for efflux from the vacuole.   J. Biol. Chem. 272, 15849-15855.

Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie

Auswahl von Publikationen vor 1995

/1/ Bogs, U. (1948): Die Linimente des DAB 6 und Vorschläge für die Zusammensetzung in einem neuen Arzneibuch, Pharm. Ztg. 84, 489

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/8/ Fürst, W., Neubert, R. (1979): Biopharmazie - Entwicklung und Probleme. Pharmazeutische Arbeitsweise unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Resorptionsmodellen, Wiss. Zeitschrift Univ. Halle 28, 61-73

/9/ Dittgen, M., Zessin, G., Kala, H. (1977): Arzneistoffliberation aus Einbettungsformen auf Polyacrylatbasis, Pharmazie 32, 771

/10/ Kala, H., Mank, R. (1981): Preparation of Bead Polymers under Thermically Mild Conditions, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. 7, 453

/11/ Kala, H., Moldenhauer, H., Giese, R., Kedvessy, Selmeczi, B., Pintye-Hody, K. (1981): Zur Polymorphie von Sulfathiazol und seinem kristallografischen Verhalten unter Preßdruck, Pharmazie 36, 833

/13/ Kala, H., Haack, U., Wenzel, U., Zessin, G., Pollandt, P. (1986): Modifikationsumwandlung des Carbamazepins durch Mahlprozesse, Pharmazie 41, 777

/14/ Stampniok, K., Iris Stampniok, G. Zessin, H. Kala u. D. Fichtner (1987): Untersuchungen zur pharmazeutisch-technologischen Herstellung von oralen Impfstoffen am Modell der Riemser TGE-Vaccine, Arch. exper. Vet. Med., Leipzig 41, 656

/15/ Podczeck, F. Wenzel, U. (1989): Studies concerning the direct tableting of pharmaceutically used substances by means of multivariate data analysis, Pharmazie 44, 468

/16/ Neubert, R., Fürst, W. (1989): In vitro Untersuchung des Arzneistofftransportes - Methoden, Möglichkeiten, Mechanismen, Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 18, 112-122

/17/ Neubert, R. (1989): Ion Pair Transport Across Membranes, Pharm. Res. 6, 743-747

/18/ Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W. (1990): In vitro Methods for the Biopharmaceutical Evaluation of topical Formulations, Acta Pharm. Technol. 36, 197-206

/19/ Neubert, R., Bendas, C., Wohlrab, W., Gienau, B., Fürst, W. (1991): A Multilayer Membrane System for Modelling Drug Penetration into Skin, Int. J. Pharm. 75, 89-94

/20/ Fürst, W., Neubert, R., Jurkschat, T., Lücke, L. (1990): Prodrug Approach of Orotic Acid using an Absorption Model, Int. J. Pharm. 61, 43 - 49

/21/ Amlacher, R., Härtl, A., Neubert, R., Stöckel, U., Wenzel, K. (1991): Influence of ion-pair formation on the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs. Part 7; Pharmacokinetic interactions of bretylium and hexylsalicylic acid in rabbits, J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 43, 794 - 797

/22/ Zessin, G., Becher, S. (1994): Zur Mikroverkapselung wasserlöslicher Arzneistoffe mit Cyanoacrylaten. Sci. Pharm. 62, (2) 202

Publikationen von 1995

/1/ Bendas, B., Schmalfuß, U., Neubert, R. (1995): Influence of propylene glycol as cosolvent on mechanisms of drug transport from hydrogels, Int. J. Pharm. 116, 19-30

/2/ Matschiner, S., Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W., Matschiner, F. (1995):Optimierung topischer Erythromycinzubereitungen mit Hilfe der Ionenpaarbildung zur Therapie von Acne vulgaris, Krankenhauspharmazie 16, 142-146

/3/ Matschiner, S., Wegener, M., Rettig, W., Neubert, R. (1995): Characterization of ion pair formation between erythromycin and lipophilic counter ions, Pharmazie 50, 462-464

/4/ Neubert, R., Fritzsch, B., Dongowski, G. (1995): Interactions between food components and drugs. Part 3: Interactions between pectin and propranolol, Pharmazie 50, 414-416,

/5/ Matschiner, S., Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W. (1995): The Use of Ion Pairing to Facilitate Percutaneous Absorption of Drugs, Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers, Edited by: Eric W. Smith; Howard I. Maibach; CRS Press, 407-417

/6/ Bendas, B., Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W.: Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers, Edited by: Eric W. Smith; Howard I. Maibach; CRS Press, 61-77 (1995)

/7/ Matschiner, S., Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W.: Optimization of Topical Erythromycin Formulations by Ion Pairing, Skin Pharmacol. 8, 319-325 (1995)

/8/ Schneider, I.M., Wohlrab, W., Neubert, R. (1995): Barrierefunktion des Stratum corneum und Möglichkeiten der Beeinflussung, Dermatologie - Heutiger Stand, Hrsg.: Tebbe, B., Goerdt, S. und Orfanos, C.E., Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York,

/9/ Schiewe, J., Mrestani, Y., Neubert, R. : Application and optimization of capillary zone electrophoresis in vitamin analysis, J. Chromatogr. A 717, 255-259

/10/ Konrad, R., Zessin, G. (1995): Bestimmung der Diffusions- und Polymererosionsanteile bei der Freisetzung aus Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose-Matrixtabletten, Scientia Pharmaceutica, 63, 314,

Publikationen von 1996

/1/ Wegener, M., Neubert, R., Rettig, W., Wartewig, S. (1996): Structure of statum corneum lipids characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy and DSC. I. ceramides, Int. J. Pharm. 128, 203-213

/2/ Schiewe, J., Göbel, S., Schwarz, M. A., Neubert, R. (1996): Application of capillary zone electrophoresis for analyzing biotin in pharmaceutical formulations - a comparative study, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 14, 435-439

/3/ Neubert, R., Schmalfuß, U., Wohlrab, W., Huschka, C. (1996): Wirkstoffpenetration in die Haut und deren Modulation, Pharm. Ztg. 17, 11-23

/4/ Huschka, C., Schmalfuß, U., Wohlrab, W., Neubert, R. (1996): Kolloidale Trägersysteme für die dermale Applikation, Kosmet. Medizin 1, 24-44

/5/ Huth, S., Neubert, R., Boltze, L., Büge, A. (1996): Experimental Determination and Mathematical Modelling of Propylene Glycol Transport from Semisolid Vehicles, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 44, 1263-1266

/6/ Schwarz, M. A., Neubert, R., Rüttinger, H. (1996): Application of capillary electrophoresis for characterizing interactions between drugs and bile salts, Part I: J. Chromatogr. A, 745, 135-143

/7/ Schwarz, M. A., Neubert, R., Dongowski, G. (1996): Characterization of Interactions between Bile Salts and Drugs by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography, Part I. Pharm. Research, 13, 1184-1189

/8/ Neubert, R., Raith, K., Schiewe, J. (1996): Capillary Zone Electrophoresis in Skin Fatty Acid Analysis, Pharmazie 52, 212-215

/9/ Neubert, R., Collin B., Wartewig, S. (1996): Quantitative Analysis of Drug Content in Semisolid Formulations using Step-Scan FT-IR Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Vibrational, Spectroscopy 13, 241-244

/10/ Dongowski, G., Neubert, R., Haase, H., Schnorrenberger, B. (1996): Interactions between Food Components and Drugs. Part 4: Influence of Pectins and Bile Salts on Propranolol Absorption, Int. J. Pharm. 144, 233

/11/ Neubert, R., Schiewe, J. (1996): Vitamin analysis using capillary zone electrophoresis, Amer. Biotechn. Lab. 14, 12-14

/12/ Matschiner, S., Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W., Matschiner, F. (1996): Influence of Ion Pairing on ex vivo Penetration of Erythromycin into Sebaceous Follicles, Skin Pharmacol. 9, 270-273

/13/ Schneider, I.-M., Dobner, B., Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W. (1996): Evaluation of drug penetration into human skin ex vivo using branched fatty acids and propylene glycol, Int. J. Pharm. 145, 187-196

/14/ Shlieout, G., Zessin, G. (1996): Investigation of ethylcellulose as a matrix former and a new method to regard and evaluate the compression data. Drug Dev. Ind Pharm. 22, 315

/15/ Shlieout, G., Wiese, M., Zessin, G. (1996): Zur Untersuchung der Tablettierbarkeit und mechanischer Eigenschaften der Ethylcellulose mit Hilfe der Fraser-Suzuki-Funktion und der thermomechanischen Analyse, Scientia Pharmaceutica 63, 353

/16/ Shlieout, G., Zessin, G. (1996): Investigation of the mechanical properties of different pharmaceutical excipients by use of the Fraser-Suzuki function and the thermal analysis, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 42 (Suppl.) 9

/17/ Dashewsky, A., Zessin, G. (1995): The completeness of covering by microencapsulation in dependence on viscosity and wettability. Proc. 10-th International Symposium on Microencapsulation Austin

/18/ Picker, K. M., Mielck, J. B. (1996): True density of swellable substances at different relative humidies - a new approach to its determination, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 42, 82-84

/19/ Konrad, R., Zessin, G. ( 1996): Fluoreszensspektrophotometrische Bestimmumg der Polymererosion bei der Freisetzung von Foledrinsulfat aus Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose-Matrixtabletten, Pharmazie 51, 986

Publikationen von 1997

/1/ Knorst, M.T., Neubert, R., Wohlrab, W. (1997): Release of urea from semisolid formulations using a multilayer membrane system, Drug Devel. Ind. Pharm. 23, 259-263

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